Monday, April 26, 2010

A Special Day - April 23rd

The day had finally arrived - Wade's first day of school at Yew Chung International School. Here he is all dressed up in his uniform. He is such a handsome boy! He was so excited he could hardly stand it. It was a bit difficult to get him up since he didn't get to sleep the night before until almost 3am. We had a six hour delay in our flight time out of Guangzhou. It was a frustrating experience at the airport but the next day more than made up for that. Rich took him in and took care of some business details at the school office while Wade waited for his classroom "buddy" to arrive and show him the way. This buddy would show him the ropes and help him navigate the day.
It was also a special day because Lance turned 13! Another teenager and counting. What a wonderful young man Lance is. We were excited to share this special day with him and celebrated by going to his choice of a restaurant which was tex-mex. We all pigged out on some wonderful 'American-style' Mexican food. We then came back for a tiny piece of creme De menthe cake (because we were all stuffed). This cake is a family favorite and often requested. Thanks, Mom for the recipe you included in the gift recipe book for my wedding shower 24 years ago. It is still going strong!

Lance has developed an interest in the guitar in recent months and we decided it was time that he have one for his birthday. He decided on the electric variety and is itching to get going on lessons. We are not an instrumentally musical family so we are placing our hopes for some musical talent on Lance. Wade is also showing a strong interest in music and will get to take guitar lessons next year at school in music class. He is thrilled at that prospect.
Happy Birthday, Lance!

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