Friday, January 25, 2008

Likes and Dislikes about living in China - Elise

Elise has done a lot of growing up since moving to China, including getting braces (they are pink) on her teeth and growing at least 2 inches. Lance is getting nervous as she is about to catch up to him in height!

What I like about China

  • My new friends like Maggie, Katie, Sidney, Leia, Karis, Belita, Megan, Sophie, Sabrina, Katana, Mikayla, Moi, Renee, Valerie, Abby and on it goes...
  • My school and the brand new elementary building that I get to be in
  • That we get an Ayi and a driver
  • Our new church. I like the children's church.
  • Living in a new house
  • Eating yummy foods like fried rice, chinese-style and dumplings
  • I like the new sports center in our neighborhood - its so big!
  • The playground across the street where me and my friends play
  • That we learn a new language and when we go back they won't understand us
  • I like using chopsticks and I'm pretty good at it
  • That we can visit other places in China and that it doesn't take long to get there
  • That you get more money because you get 13 yuan for 1 dollar
  • My new principal Mrs. Weber (she reminds me of Mrs. Huntsman)
  • The new soccer program that I play in - I like the people who run it

What I don't like about China

  • Smoking!!!!!!
  • Pollution
  • Animals on streets
  • Disgusting fish and stuff
  • That you try to talk to people and they don't understand you
  • People try to talk to me because they think I'm from China and can speak Chinese
  • Missing all my family and friends
  • So much traffic on the roads when we ride our bikes to church
  • It takes a long time to learn all the tones in Mandarin
  • That they don't have the same stuff as in America like different plugs on electronics. I can't use my boombox here

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow Elise! You sure have grown. You have such a beautiful smile. We miss you guys in kids church!!