Monday, December 6, 2010

Wade's First Thanksgiving Feast

On Friday evening, November 26th after a day off school for 4 kids, work for Rich and a basketball tournament for Stacia, we all sat down for an intimate Thanksgiving feast. The kids couldn't wait to dive into our traditional family favorites of party mashed potatoes, sweet potato casserole, corn mush, green bean casserole, gravy, hot spiced cider, pumpkin pie and of course the turkey (a bargain around here at $100 usd). It was well worth the long hours of cooking and preparation as everyone gorged themselves and gushed with compliments to the cook. As we went around and said what we were thankful for, Wade said that he was thankful to have a family. We are thankful to have him as our son. Of course, we missed our family across the ocean around our table!
Wade had no problem loving this particular American feast, especially the turkey - Two thumbs up!

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