What an amazing day it has been! After a 40 minute delay (which seemed like hours) we took off for Beijing this morning at 11:40 where we knew our son was waiting for us. We arrived at the orphanage around 3:30 and as we pulled up to the gate, Wade was walking out to greet us with an orphanage worker and our guide Tom. We hugged and the kids were introduced to him for the first time. We walked back inside to complete some paperwork. This picture was taken just after we got in to the orphanage. Wade was wearing the coat we gave him as a gift back in December.
I signed I don't know what several times with Wade anxiously looking over my shoulder the whole time. The formal paperwork process will take place on Monday at the Adoption Registration office. Rich was unable to come up with us because of some yearly reviews with the company vice presidents this week. He is on his way tonight as I type (a 3.5 hour delay at takeoff).
What a sweet kid he is! He definitely likes that "Chinese Peace sign" when he gets his picture taken. Stacia was so sweet in asking him questions in Chinese. All the kids did so well today speaking with him. It was much less awkward than I thought it would be (for me). He was VERY ready to go. I think he has been very ready for 3 months (since we last saw him). There were definitely no tears shed as he left the Beijing Social Welfare Institute for the last time. There were smiles all around!
On the way out of the orphanage, we passed a school and Stacia asked Wade (in Chinese) if that was his school. When he said it was, I asked the driver to stop and Wade and I ran back to take a picture. No tears shed there either. As you can see, it was just a beautiful day in Beijing!
Knowing that Wade likes video games, Lance brought along his game boy for Wade to try. As far as we know, he had never played one before. It took Wade 2 seconds to figure it out. Lance said "wow, you are smart" (not in Chinese). Wade really enjoyed himself and it was a nice ice breaker as we all got into the van and left the orphanage. I think I have another screen time junkie on my hands!
We are staying at a Holiday Inn in Beijing and it is lovely. So far the service has been outstanding and they are so welcoming and accommodating of our family. We decided to have dinner in the hotel and 5 of us ordered the mushroom, salmon, fettuchini! When we were at the orphanage, I asked our guide to ask Wade what foods he liked. Wade said hamburgers, chicken wings and pizza. I think he will fit in with this group just fine. At dinner he ordered a hamburger with fries and a coke. He absolutely gobbled those fries down and then attacked that big burger. He ate every bite on his plate and enjoyed it.
This is a picture of the backpack on Wade when he came to greet us at the orphanage. It contains a lifetime of possessions. In it he had a plush Spiderman (he likes Spiderman and I just bought him one very similar to his not knowing he had one), three books on martial arts (?), an old empty wallet (which I promptly got out my wallet and put 50 kaui in it), a plastic wrist toy, some mangoes, candy and snacks, his hat and gloves that we gave him in December, along with the photo album and picture frame we gave him as well. Hmm....humbling
After dinner the kids went for a swim. I found out earlier in the day that Wade didn't know how to swim but was not afraid of the water either. He was excited to go. The water was a bit chilly but he bravely got in. Stacia stayed close by and I ran the cameras. He seemed to have a great time as the kids were tossing the ball around with him, splashing him, and including him in their games. Stacia was trying to teach him how to kick. After a while he felt brave in the water and we took off his ring. He stayed close to the side a bit but bravely ventured out into the middle of the pool. I don't think he wanted to get out.
I can't believe that we have added another beautiful child to our family. It is still a dream. Hopefully it doesn't turn into a nigh....... I won't say it! I am so proud of my kids. They were so welcoming and loving to Wade. I think he really enjoyed the day. I know I did! As Stacia and I were sitting by the pool, she asked me if I thought this would be our last adoption. God only knows.... I think these kids were pretty impressed by Wade. Just today he has shown guts. He is brave and gentle. He is smart and determined. Just looking at him I can't imagine him going for the rest of his life without a family. There is so much potential in him. I feel very blessed that God chose us to be his forever family.
Wade sat right next to me as I loaded the pictures onto the blog. I can tell he is very interested in computers. He probably already has some things to teach me. After loading the pictures, I put him to bed. He is in an extra bed beside our bed and the other kids are in an adjoining room. He is sleeping like a baby. Everything went so smoothly today. I know it was because we were so widely covered in prayer by our amazing group of family and friends. Well, God showed up and I have been moved to tears several times today. Wade was so gracious about the clothes I brought him (all hand me downs), took his shower and hung up his towel and bath mat, said thank you in English several times. Tomorrow we have the Great Wall on our itinerary. He has never been there. We asked him where he had been in Beijing and he said the zoo and Tianamen Square. It will be so fun to share these amazing China highlights with him. I can't wait! Thank you again dear ones for your love and prayers. More tomorrow...
Allen family-
We are so happy for you! Very thankful this morning for how smoothly the day went yesterday and so excited for the journey! Welcome Wade Allen -- 7 Allens now! Woo hoo!
That was so great talking with you. Glad we caught you. Thanks for keeping us updated by way of the blog, we are praying like crazy for this time of transition. We can't wait to be with all of you this summer! Do you think Wade will want to sleep in the tent?
Allens! We are so excited to see this update and all the pictures of your new family member! Wow... adoption is an amazing miracle every time. Been praying so much for all of you. Can't wait for more posts! Love to all of you from the Liptaks~
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